Aims and Objectives
Salient Aims and Objects of the Bar Association of India are:
- to uphold the Constitution of India, and the representative, free and democratic form of Government and to up hold and promote the Rule of Law;
- to promote the science of Jurisprudence and to encourage and conduct research and investigations in legal and allied fields;
- to promote the reform of the administration of justice and of law and its healthy development suitable to the social, economic and other needs of the people;
- to promote uniformity of legislation and of judicial decisions throughout the country;
- to uphold the honour, the dignity and the independence of the Bar and the profession of law;
- to assist the Bar in upholding its rights and dignity in its relations with the executive and the judiciary;
- to apply the knowledge and experience in the field of law to the promotion of the public good;
- to promote unity and solidarity among the members of the Bar throughout India;
- to bring about a unified Indian Bar with a common roll of advocates and with a right to practice in all the courts in the country;
- to take measures for the provision of free legal aid to the poor and the establishment and maintenance of a system of prompt and efficient legal advice for persons irrespective of their capacity to pay;
- to promote the improvement of legal education, to impart instruction in law and to conduct examinations for admission to the Bar;
- to set up a code of professional conduct, discipline and etiquette;
- to further good relations and co-operation between the Bar and the Bench, between the Bar and the public, and between the Indian Bar and lawyers of other countries;
- to take measures to provide for financial aid to members of the Bar in straitened circumstances and to members of their families on their death;
- to take measures with a view to provide an efficient system of law reporting and promote publication of works on law;
- to work in co-operation with other societies, institutions and organizations, national and international, and to send delegations to national or international conferences in the pursuit of all or any of the above objects;
- to constitute or cause to be constituted Regional Centres at convenient places in India to promote the activities of the Association;
- to hold conferences or seminars;
- to do all such things and to perform all such acts as may be necessary or proper for the achievement of any or all of the above objects;